Climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are becoming a hot topic around the world. Many countries have already set laws in place governing the use of emission-offset certificates. Carbon dioxide sequestration certificates are the most common at the current time. The United States is steadily moving towards adoption of a mandatory reporting and regulatory program concerning carbon dioxide emissions.
These certificates can be used by industry, municipalities and individuals to help “counter-balance” the amount of carbon dioxide they are releasing into the atmosphere. The certificates marketed on this site are the gold standard in carbon emission control. The methodology was designed and patented (internationally) by John Caveny of Environmentally Correct Concepts Inc (ECCI). The quality and integrity behind these offset instruments is exemplary, which not all offset providers can claim.
ECCI based certificates are site-specific (actual legal descriptions of properties enrolled) and ECCI site auditors actually do a management analysis yearly on enrolled tracts of land. The type of management varies widely from one operation to another whether it be ranching, farming or forestry. ECCI’s methodology seeks out agri-producers that are purposely improving the environment, measuring that improvement, and then providing a sound certificate that will be trade-worthy anywhere in the world. is the marketing conduit for ECCI generated certificates.
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